Singing Guide: Andy Feldbau

Singing Guide: Andy Feldbau

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like Andy Feldbau

If you want to learn how to sing like Andy Feldbau, then you should know that his vocal technique involves a lot of vibrato and falsetto, which he uses to achieve a smooth and powerful sound.

One of the best ways to learn from his vocal technique is by doing the following:

  1. Start by taking our vocal range test and pitch accuracy test. These tests will help you understand your vocal range and pitch accuracy, which you can then use to improve your singing.
  2. Andy Feldbau has a very distinct falsetto, so it’s important to practice your voice registers and vocal break to master this technique.
  3. Feldbau's singing style is characterized by powerful notes, so it’s important to work on your breath support and resonant singing. You can also try our breathing exercises to strengthen your breathing muscles.
  4. To master Feldbau's vibrato techniques, try working on singing with vibrato through exercises such as Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce.
  5. To learn how to sing like Andy Feldbau, we recommend selecting songs that showcase his unique vocal techniques and style. Some good examples include “Salty Tears” and "Black River."
  6. For a comprehensive guide on enhancing your singing skills, enroll in our educational singing course, which covers singing theory and practical tips.

By following these tips and utilizing the resources provided by Singing Carrots, you can improve your singing skills and develop a sound that is similar to Andy Feldbau. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.